Total Home Protection Unit Model PSI/TP9/MN
For many years we have been producing instruments which help the more Sensitive Person to overcome a good deal of harmful types of radiation, either from aggravated background, the earth, or man-made radiation, such as fall-out, electromagnetic, x-ray etc.
The unit requires no technical knowledge to operate, and has a selector system which will take into consideration individual circumstances, wherever you may be. The unit is fully automatic in operation, each unit can cover an area of 6 square metres around and above itself.
- Size: 30 cm x 16 cm x 6 cm (height) with sloping front. Operating modes:
- Electro-Smog 50Hz to several GHz
- Ionizing Rays (TV & computer)
- Combination of 1 & 2
- Pathological & Geo-pathological Radiation (negative terrestrial radiations)
- Higher level of Pathological Radiation (electro-sensitive people)
- Maximum suppression - all levels
- Delivery times: 2-3 weeks.